Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This blog goes out to all women who walk as a form of exercise.   Personally, I rack up a good many miles each year and there is no doubt that a couple of miles a day does wonders for the body and mind.
However, there is one real problem ............ there just doesn't seem to be really nice sports clothing around.    Let me explain where I am coming from.   All the stores that stock sporting clothes have racks and racks of great sportsgear that will look fabulous if you are between 20 and 40 years old and have a great bod.    However, not all of us look like we just stepped off the front cover of Runners World - which is probably why we walk anyway and I don't want to wear sweats or lycra sports bras and baggy shorts.   I want to know how others handle this issue.   Don't you think it's time that we had more attractive options available to us?   Maybe a skirt or walking dress.    Something practical, comfortable, easy to wear, flattering and hides the odd bulge here and there!


  1. i say skorts should be available for other sports or activities other than tennis. this issue sounds like something you can solve and add to your new biz!

  2. Hi Mao. Why don't you show up as a follower?
