Tuesday, January 31, 2012



Today a friend posted a photo on FB of a small elephant which is commonly spotted frolicing in the beautiful waters of Mozambique.   This raised a couple of questions for me.   Firstly, if elephants are commonly seen swimming in the ocean, what do they eat?   Being raised in South Africa, I never questioned anything beyond the fact that elephants are herbivores.   Therefore, to find out that swimming in the sea seems to be something of which elephants are capable, is it possible they eat fish and are carnivores too?  There are some YouTube clips out there which have captured elephants most likely eating fish, so it's not entirely out of the question.  

Whilst elephants may look like they were neighbors with dinosaurs, they are not exactly old enough to be classified as pre-historic.   They certainly have pre-historic roots but what I find intriguing is whether or not it's possible that they were originally some kind of sea mammal.   For the most part, we see elephants in Africa bathing and drinking from watering holes out of necessity.   But think on this - if elephants had regular access to large stretches of water, would they choose to eat more protein in the form of fish and would they opt for joining their hippopotamus brothers and loll around in the water.
They certainly wouldn't need any diving gear!

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