Saturday, February 4, 2012


Don't know about what you think but I think that stories of child abuse at school seem to be on the increase.  Almost every week some new, shockingly perverted situation is revealed.  

I don't condone physical punishment in schools at all, although I grew up where boys were caned whilst bending over in the principals office and girls had to hold out there hands to be stung by a ruler, this latest incident at Miramonte Elementary School is disgusting and goes far beyond punishment.   Words fail me when I visualize children having to endure live cockroaches or spoonsful of semen whilst blindfolded and silenced with tape over their mouths.   What sick, perverted, filthy swine would do this?

These children are in elementary school!   They are young and innocent, keen to learn and at the start of their academic lives.   Mark Berndt should have recognized the privilege that it is to lay the foundations in his student's lives.  Instead he used these children to cater to his misguided internal needs and used them as props over which he could salivate and flagellate at night .....................Ugggghhhhhhhhh!

If it is true that child molesters have the worst lives in prison, I say, bring it on.   This man is the scum of the earth.

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