Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm not sure why I always end up reflecting on life on high days and holidays but today is Valentines Day and once again I'm questioning the whole darned Valentine deal.   And it is a deal - a very big deal - for some people.   It's a big deal for those caught up in it and I think it's a bigger deal for those who aren't.

So, for those already gazing bug-eyed at their roses - I'm happy for you.   For those who aren't and won't - it's time to take stock and look at what society  has thrust on us.   I could go into a whole diatribe about how we swallow everything the media and shops throw at us for Valentines hook, line and sinker - but we know where this is going  - so I'm going to get to the point.  

On this day, why does our happiness and sense of self-esteem hinge on hopefully receiving flowers, a card, chocolates (never a good idea for me), cute cuddly bears, etc, etc, etc?    I would rather take a step back and take a wide-angle view of things.    The whole ritual of Valentines places pressure on everyone.   Our happiness and self-esteem does not revolve around what the media and retail stores dictate.   We should rather spend these days feeling good about how we measure up by our own standards.    It's a much better yardstick.    Don't know about you but I would rather take a look at who I am, how I treat people, what I am trying to accomplish and where I am on that road. 

Of course it's always nice to let your nearest and dearest know that you love them - but last I checked, you didn't have to drop a wad of notes to do it!

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