Sunday, February 12, 2012


There are some things in modern life that are more than cool - they almost are too much to digest.   You know that Google and Wiki are friends of  mine.   One friend I have not yet mentioned is a close cousin of Google named Earth!   Google Earth is the very, very best thing on (actually off) this planet!   Following on my blog about the Easter Island Heads yesterday, I thought I would take a voyeuristic peak at the island, itself.   

Well, guess what I found?!?   There - in all their glory - and clearly visible via satellite image are some of the statues.    This type of thing simply blows me away!    There are some days when I hate my dependence on my computer and all it represents but there are other days (such as today) when I wouldn't swap it for the world.  

I feel a really interesting vacation coming on!


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