Friday, January 27, 2012


Every time I see a Smartcar I automatically look at the driver because I have to question why someone would want to drive around in a hybrid.   No, I'm not even referring to fuel-efficient cars.  I just think these cars look like a cross between a running shoe, one of those large shopping carts that normally carry at least one howling kid in the grocery store and half an armadillo

I personally drive a hybrid for fuel-efficiency and really enjoy filling my tank about one a month so I recognize the merits of limiting our dependency on oil but I think there is a difference between being environmentally conscious and looking dumb.   To me  it looks like these cars took a wrong turn and should actually be driven on Mars.   Of course, the other very serious consideration is that I don't think these cars would hold up well in a wreck.   I'm not sure from a safety view point that there's much difference between driving one of these cars and riding a Harley Davidson.  Not for a moment would you catch me in one on the highway.   I once owned a Mini (poor cousin of the Cooper) a few decades back and believe it or not, a truck did drive over it, rendering it totally unrecognizable.   It was at that point that I decided that I would never drive anything that could be squashed almost to the point where I could take it home in a suitcase!

I worry that in an effort to reduce carbon footprint and introduce "smarter" options, that the motor industry is compromising other (more important) issues such as safety.   What say you?

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