Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm sure many of my followers would have seen the media blitz on "SHOP SMALL" which has been all over TV in the past week.   This campaign is promoting shoppers to support small business and to visit local markets and buy from local vendors.   Personally, I think this is a FANTASTIC idea!    The timing of this campaign could not have been better and we'd love to see many people visiting the Imperial Farmers Market and to buy from the growing number of arts and craft vendors.  
I seem to be focusing more and more on photos which illustrate refraction and separation of light.   The pics above are a preview of what's to come and will be at MyTerraTree's booth tomorrow, Saturday 17th.   These images are zany and fun and improbable as it might look, the original photos come from refracted and separated light.  
Please swing by MyTerraTree's booth tomorrow.   I don't know if you feel the same way I do about shopping over the Thanksgiving holiday.   I'll forsake the crush and the rush for a more peaceful and relaxed way of shopping.   Hope you feel that way too!
Happy Thanksgiving! 


  1. You really have no boundaries and that's great! Cool work and good luck tomorrow :-)

  2. Jo - those are stunning! You are SO talented ;)
