Thursday, November 29, 2012

At long last I can finally say that I have a website!    It's amazing how many people I interact with ask for my website.    It's ONLY taken a year but here it is    FineArtAmerica is a website where people from anywhere in the world can look at all the wonderful things artists are doing and purchase prints/prints on canvas/acrylic/metal or simply framed.    VERY nice!  
It's my plan to showcase all my refraction, reflection and separation of light work on this website.   More will come later as I know that this is where my focus lies.   I've done a lot this year but I know instinctively that there's more to discover.    2013 will definitely be a year of digging in and discovering more cool things we don't always see. :-)
For the many people I have met in Houston/Sugar Land, there's a new market coming to town on the 7th, 8th and 9th of December.    It's called The Heart of Texas Art and Craft Show and I will be participating as one of the vendors.   This Show boasts a lot of vendors who do unique work.   The show organizers have run this show successfully in Dallas, TX for a number of years and are bringing it to Houston for the first time.   Visit to see what you can find for Christmas.
The year end is galloping towards us and before things speed up to a blur, I would like to thank each and every person I have met over this year.    Your observations and comments about my work keep me going.   So thank you, thank you, thank you.  
Here's to a good year next year.    I don't know if my book is still on schedule but I am still hoping for a March 2013 launch.    More about that later.
Many blessings to you and those nearest and dearest to you.  

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