Thursday, November 29, 2012

At long last I can finally say that I have a website!    It's amazing how many people I interact with ask for my website.    It's ONLY taken a year but here it is    FineArtAmerica is a website where people from anywhere in the world can look at all the wonderful things artists are doing and purchase prints/prints on canvas/acrylic/metal or simply framed.    VERY nice!  
It's my plan to showcase all my refraction, reflection and separation of light work on this website.   More will come later as I know that this is where my focus lies.   I've done a lot this year but I know instinctively that there's more to discover.    2013 will definitely be a year of digging in and discovering more cool things we don't always see. :-)
For the many people I have met in Houston/Sugar Land, there's a new market coming to town on the 7th, 8th and 9th of December.    It's called The Heart of Texas Art and Craft Show and I will be participating as one of the vendors.   This Show boasts a lot of vendors who do unique work.   The show organizers have run this show successfully in Dallas, TX for a number of years and are bringing it to Houston for the first time.   Visit to see what you can find for Christmas.
The year end is galloping towards us and before things speed up to a blur, I would like to thank each and every person I have met over this year.    Your observations and comments about my work keep me going.   So thank you, thank you, thank you.  
Here's to a good year next year.    I don't know if my book is still on schedule but I am still hoping for a March 2013 launch.    More about that later.
Many blessings to you and those nearest and dearest to you.  

Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm sure many of my followers would have seen the media blitz on "SHOP SMALL" which has been all over TV in the past week.   This campaign is promoting shoppers to support small business and to visit local markets and buy from local vendors.   Personally, I think this is a FANTASTIC idea!    The timing of this campaign could not have been better and we'd love to see many people visiting the Imperial Farmers Market and to buy from the growing number of arts and craft vendors.  
I seem to be focusing more and more on photos which illustrate refraction and separation of light.   The pics above are a preview of what's to come and will be at MyTerraTree's booth tomorrow, Saturday 17th.   These images are zany and fun and improbable as it might look, the original photos come from refracted and separated light.  
Please swing by MyTerraTree's booth tomorrow.   I don't know if you feel the same way I do about shopping over the Thanksgiving holiday.   I'll forsake the crush and the rush for a more peaceful and relaxed way of shopping.   Hope you feel that way too!
Happy Thanksgiving! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The people of this country could  stop iconizing people like Obama and Romney or anyone else coming along in the future. Government is made of laws and we have to look to those in Congress to make the changes we are all wanting. In our particular scenario, there needs to be earnest bi-partisan efforts by those in the House of Representatives and Congress to make the changes which will dig us out of the hole Government has dug us into. I think that Governments of yesteryear were more true to the Americans they served because there were no lobbyists, politicians served their people with pride and honor and there was no hatred, greed, personal agendas and an allegiance to their parties which works against the betterment of this country.
As a general overview, Romney and his party did the best they could in this past election. For me, I was appalled that they singled out women as one of the important issues they ran on. At the time this topic was introduced, my immediate reaction was why are they singling out women and who gave them the right to do so? Why, for example, did they not include men. Men are subject to risks of STDs, HIV, Hepatitis A,B,C, not to mention parenthood which could all be a result of sexual behavior. Men could, and probably are, depending on Government funding to pay for their healthcare needs which are a result of risky sexual activity.   So why only women?  I felt this to be very unfair and in its subliminal message it reminded me of how we grew up in South Africa in a white, privileged society. We had everything we could dream of and more. We were blissfully ignorant that there was a whole other side to everything which we knew. It wasn't our fault - we just didn't know. So, when Romney (with the Republicans and the Tea Party bending his ear) singled out women, it smacked of the same old South African scenario in which I grew up. It gave me a small window to look into the male Republican mentality. Subliminally I felt that they considered women to be made of lesser stuff than men.
So our laws are what should govern this country. Those laws should not infringe on anything other than our national security and the welfare of the aged and infirm. As a woman on the street, the only way I can make a change is to elect good, solid and well-qualified people to represent me in any party. 

Going back to Romney and President Obama. Both men stood on the promise that they would make America a better place. They would correct as many of the wrongs as they could. Of course, until Republicans and Democrats learn to work together for the future of the people they serve, neither post-candidates would be able to accomplish this. It will be interesting to watch how successful Obama will be during his second term in office and whether he and his party will be able to move 'FOREWARD'. He has a deadline - November 2016

Friday, November 9, 2012


If you have ever lived in Africa, this is a sight we grew up with and regard as a phenomenon we hope that only other people have to to deal with - and not us. What I see when I look at this picture is a woman who probably struggles every da...
y to walk any kind of distance and when she sees herself in shop windows or bathroom mirrors she is probably distressed by the disproportion of her body. Other than her booty, she is not that large. I suspect that her condition is not only the result of "past the lips, onto the hips". When I look at the photo, I see something which is truly heart-warming. Here's a woman who is not only carrying her own weight but also the additional 25 to 30 lbs of her child. Funnily enough, I think this would make an amazing dipiction of the love of a mother. They are wearing similar clothes which are the same color, she is putting her child's interests before her own comfort, and the way they are holding hands definitely depicts the relationship of mother and child. Of course we all look at this photo in disbelief because it's not something you would see every day. I like this photo and I hope whoever took it was not being demeaning. Whoever took it actually has an eye for capturing something special.
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