Wednesday, February 13, 2013

There's an old proverb "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" which goes right back to the 12th century.   These words seem to have been graffitied somewhere deep down and keep me constantly busy and productive.  

Spring/summer and fall I'm committed to my photography.    Winter seems to be a time of preparation and planning.    

Last year I introduced a range of chili plants which pretty much sold out.    The results were encouraging and I therefore spent the whole of this winter adding a whole bunch of other plant varieties to my range.    The chili's are only now starting to grow but I have the following plants for sale:    Green and red striped canna, beautifully fragrant hyacinths, variegated liriope, sweet potato vines, social garlic which, although it makes a nice landscaping filler, can also be added to salads.   Wait, there's more.    Peppermint for those mojitos, rosemary for those veggie bakes and Coppertone Stonecrop.   This is a really nice yellow, green and red succulent.   Also dwarf dune aloes - a compact plant with blue-ish leaves and pink tips.   

I'll be at the Imperial Farmers Market, Sugarland this Saturday 16th Feb. - so why don't you swing by and see what I've got.    

The mild winter in Houston did allow me to get out down to the beach to do some more reflection photos with sea water.     I'm hoping to find the time to get some of this work processed and printed.   I've been talking about photographing reflections of large shells using sea water for some time.   So far they look really good.   If I can I will have this new matieral at the market this Saturday.

Hope you have all launched into 2013 firing on all cylinders!   Looking forward to seeing you!

JO COHN @ MyTerraTree

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