Friday, February 15, 2013


WHERE is the camera when you need it???!!!!!!!?????   
Early morning has always been my favorite time of the day and very often even if it's cold, I'll go outside to have some quiet time and contemplate and plan my day.
Well I got a surprise this morning!
I don't really live in Houston - about thirty miles away actually.   The plus and upside to that is that we have big skies, dark nights and plenty stars.    At 5.45am this morning I noticed something odd.    Somewhere between the stars and higher than the  highest airplane flight path, I saw the asteroid.    It wasn't high enough to be a satellite and not low enough to be a plane.
It was about six times larger than the morning star and was moving S L O W L Y away from me.    Within 45 seconds it diminished from this extremely bright light to nothing.    Didn't think a whole lot about it until I checked out the morning news.    It's not the meteorite which gave Russians a fright but I'm pretty certain it wasn't the normal order things either.
I have to consider myself blessed.    This is really cool - but why didn't I have my camera handy?!?

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