Tuesday, April 10, 2012


A multitude of American women must be heaving a collective sigh of relief at the announcement that Santorum is dropping out of the primaries.   Not to say that they are in the clear - it's just that we don't have to listen to the mumbo-jumbo quite as much.    The 2012 primaries will always be remembered for the indignities hurled at women by Santorum.      Personally I believe that in essence all mankind is the same.   We answer to a higher God and live and love by the same standards.   We should respect and treat others as we would like them to respect and treat us.   Santorum did not get that memo.   It's seriously shaky to mess with race, creed, religion or gender during an election and no politician should get to ride on these tickets - especially when the future of this wonderful country is at stake.

I hope Santorum take time after retiring from this race to reflect on his mistakes and to come to grips with the fact that he had no right to be some type of self-appointed prophet.   Good ridance! 

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