Sunday, March 4, 2012


Earlier in February this year I went to the Methodist Hospital Radiology Department in Sugarland Texas to have xrays taken of my hands.   If they took six xrays, it was a lot.   The time taken to perform this service was nothing more than five to seven minutes.  

Today I received a bill for $399.31 which amounts to my portion of the total bill of $891.50 which was sent to my health insurance.   THEY paid $135.59, a discount was given and I am left holding the $399.31 baby! 

I know when I phone them they will tell me that I have a deductible which still needs to be met.   Well.......  my question is "Since when did it become OK to charge almost $900 for a service which took 5 - 7 minutes?"

One would think that an organization with the name "METHODIST" in it would operate within the realms of what us reasonable thinking people would regard to be fair.   This is clearly not the case and I have to conclude that in their mission to be profitable, these hospitals are charging fees which have spiralled into orbit and out of control.   Another cliche they will come back with is that these fees are agreed with health insurances.   Well this SUCKS!    And I'm the SUCKER!

I know that blogging about this will make absolutely no difference unless just per chance someone who can make a difference stumbles on it.   That would be nice!  

The most effective way of fighting this extortion is simply to vote with your feet.   Consider this done!

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