Monday, October 15, 2012

Well, its finally here!    Sometime ago I was accepted as a vendor in the annaul Artoberfest held in Galveston this next weekend.    There will be some 125 different art vendors participating next Saturday and Sunday in downtown Galveston.   The market runs from 10am - 6pm on Saturday and 10am - 5pm on Sunday.    Check it out on the web at for directions and admission fees, etc.
In the past nine months a lot has happened and bears testament to the fact that God does help those who help themselves.   Starting conservatively, I joined the Imperial Farmers Market  in Sugarland with my refraction photos.   Pretty soon I decided to introduce my butterflies and although I have pretty much moved away from framed art into photo mattes, butterflies still sell well.

Over the past few weeks I have been building up inventory of landscapes, butterflies, refraction photos, mineral crystals, beautiful photos of the mission buildings at the Alamo, reflection photos and many more for the Artoberfest. There will be 2013 calendars, variety packs of notecards, photo mattes in 5 X 7's, 8 X 10's and 11 X 14's. Also 4 X 6's refraction photos for collages, sold in sets of five. Large 16 X 20 framed refractions will also be available.   All my own photography.  


The mineral crystals above are part of an internationally acclaimed exhibition of mineral crystals at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.**  
About four months back and totally be chance, I discovered that wonderful reflections can be achieved with the help of sea water.    It wasn't long before I was spending a lot of time on the shores of the gulf photographing my kitchen range.   Essentially I took photos of the exotic and not so exotic fruits and vegetables as the gulf waters washed past them.     I love these shots and have assembled them as collages so customers get more bang for the buck.   Where merited, I have them available as singles as well.

Whenever I get to the stage when I think I've come to the end of ideas, another one always pops up. Here's a sample of my new work. Great for diningrooms and kitchens.
These beauties are available in 8 X 8 square frames and 8 X 10 mattes.


Finally but most important of all, I have been offered a publishing contract for a gift book comprising wonderful quotes from famous people and the best of my photography.      The book is in the editing and layout phase at this time so I don't have too many details.     The publishers are shooting for a Feb/Mar/Apr 2012 launch - so watch this space.  
I hope that many of my local friends and followers will be able to make it down to Galveston next weekend.    I will be at booth # 67.   Look forward to seeing you there! 


** Published with the permission of the Houston Museum of Natural Science.